Friday, October 23, 2015

Ex Marks the Spot

  My homegirl, Adele, came out with a new single today and it made me think of you. Actually, a lot of things have been making me think of you lately. The changing leaves, the crisp cool air, drives down I49, and your hoodie that I know is hidden in the back of my closet at my parents' house.. I miss you. I miss you more than I thought I would. This feeling is new for me. For the longest time, I felt incredibly liberated and free. I was relieved to be away from you, but now, in the depths of my loneliness, I miss you.

  I miss you in the most innocent form. I miss having someone as my confidante, my companion. I miss having someone to go on drives towards the lake with. I miss having someone sit and play cards with me in Starbucks all night long. I miss having someone to cook for and dress up for. I miss having someone to do life with. 

  So maybe I don't miss you, per se. What I miss is having someone. Because let's be real, I'm so much better off without you.

  I don't think you realized how unhappy I was in the end. I tried with all my might to make things work and to put a smile on my face, but with every ounce and fiber of my being, I could not do it any longer.

  And even though I am in some of my darkest days currently, they are still sunnier without your cloud hanging over me. 

  In a lot of ways, I am here because of you. I do not blame my depression on you, but I do accredit you with being a pivotal point in my life and teaching me so much about myself. 

  I value myself more and know my worth. I know more of what I want in someone I want to spend copious amounts of time with. I know now, that I can't always put my significant other's happiness first, because mine should matter too. You can only pour so much of yourself into someone else without receiving the same amount of effort in return. But most importantly, I am stronger and more confident. Boys don't faze me now, because in that aspect, I am happy with myself, and I couldn't have gotten to this point without you.

  I want to thank you, because the end of us was the beginning of me. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My Current Journey

  Today, I drove myself to a doctor’s appointment fifteen minutes away from campus so that I wouldn’t be seen by anyone I knew. When I left my apartment, I didn’t tell my roommates where I was going, I simply called out, “see y’all later!”  When I walked inside the office, it was decorated like a home and smelled like sugar cookies. It was warm and comfortable, but all the other patients looked like they felt out of place. I sat in the waiting room for fifteen minutes until the closed door opened and a woman called my name. I followed her to a corner room and sat on a brown leather couch. We exchanged pleasantries and she started asking me lots of questions.
  Today, I told a complete stranger about my past, my family, friends, school life, work life, love life, church life, and everything in between. She asked me prying questions and I willingly offered her answers. For once, I held nothing back. I cried openly and didn’t apologize.
  Today, I went to counseling for the first time.  Today, I acknowledged to a professional that I am depressed and need help.
  If you took one look at my Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, you would never guess in a million years that I am currently battling depression. You would look at the glossy pictures and sarcastic posts and think I was having the time of my life. To a certain extent, I am, but behind the squinty eyes and big smiles, there’s so much more going on. That’s the scary thing about depression. If I didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t know.
  When I reflect on my high school self, I’ve had spouts of depression before, but I always linked them to PMS. But now? This is different. This is negatively affecting every area of my life. The initial decline started when my sister moved to DC at the end of July, but the intensity of it all didn’t start taking over until a month and a half ago.
  At first I was only emotional and I thought I was just being a girl, but the feelings never went away. They are constantly hanging over me and dragging me down. I go to class, work, and hang out with friends, but any chance I get I cry behind closed doors.
  Soon after my daily crying started, my whole life felt like it was going downhill and texts to my Little saying, "I feel like I might fall apart" became more frequent. I lost interest in activities that I claim as my favorite past times. I no longer want to attend sorority events; so much so I had to go inactive for the rest of the semester. I don’t want to hit the gym and kill a workout. Cooking seems like a chore. I force myself to hang out with friends. Getting out of bed is the hardest decision I am faced with every morning.  I sleep more now than I ever did before. I get close to 8-9 hours of sleep every night and when I come home from my day, I nap for another 2 or 3. Eating makes me sick. I get agitated more easily. I have a hard time focusing and concentrating on one task at a time. The list goes on and on.
  What sent me overboard and made me come to terms with how bad things have gotten is when I went to visit a dear friend in her college town. I thought I needed a break from my own town and surroundings so I figured a weekend away with someone who’s known me for years and has seen my growth and change since high school would be good for me. The weekend was as fab as I had hoped and spending time with her made me feel full, but as soon as I hopped on the interstate home, I felt empty again.
  I got on the phone with my sister and was completely annoyed with her. She asked me what was wrong and I went with the standard, “nothing,” a minute of silence passed and I bursted into tears. I didn’t know why I was crying and I told her that. More silence. Then I remembered an article read I the week prior and said out loud for the first time, “I think I might be depressed.”
  When I got home, I called my mom and told her about my epiphany. We hung up and an hour later she called me back to tell me she pulled a few strings. That night, I talked to a therapist on the phone and we agreed I would start counseling.
  And that is how I ended up on the brown leather couch today. I am now indefinitely committed to seeing a therapist once a week and I’m actually looking forward to it. I am not on meds, nor do I have any desire to be, but if the day comes when counseling can no longer help me and get me better, then I will accept that help.

  With all that being said, I am not looking for sympathy.  I simply want to share my story because I don’t want to hide or pretend anymore. Depression is a real thing that consumes so many people, but I am not going to let it win. I am not going to let it define me or take over my life.
  Today, I started my journey to better mental health.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Let's Start with 'Hello'

  My name is Kat. I was born and raised in the birthplace of Walmart and I now attend the University of Arkansas. I am a 19-year-old sophomore, double majoring in Communications and International Relations. I’m in a Christian sorority. I enjoy cooking & baking and live for coffee or ice cream dates & aimless drives with friends. I take pride in my crafting skills. I can spit every Nicki rap, sing every Ben Rector song, quote every Meg Ryan movie verbatim, and find it funny when people call me a “basic white girl.”

  I spend a lot of time, be it consciously or not, making sure people think I’m okay; making them think I have it all together and know exactly what I'm doing. But news flash-- I don’t. So here I am. I’m ready to tell the world that I don’t have it all together and don't know exactly (or even an inkling of) what I'm doing. I'm ready to say that I am struggling every day and that I make stupid and/or questionable decisions all the time.
  No one wants to talk about or admit it, but my story and experiences are more common than anyone wants to believe. We all want to pretend that we live in these perfect worlds, living our perfect lives, but I know I cannot be the only one. I don’t want to hide anymore. I don't want to pretend. I am not perfect and I am just another lost twenty-something. I hope through this, I can help someone else cope, push through their own situation, learn something new about themselves, provide an understanding heart or even a good laugh because life is messy and Lord knows I'm in the midst of it all.
